Tuesday 21 May 2013

Floating High Altitude Platforms for "Near Space" Tourism

This chapter provides an overview of the current space tourism market and possible projections. After defining the term “space tourism”, some aspects on space tourism flights are introduced, followed by a classification of current and possible future market segments of space tourism activities. Market demand is derived from different surveys carried out in last decades. Worldwide proposed vehicle concepts, existing space travel agencies and organizations supporting  space tourism are presented. The chapter is concluded with a forecast of space tourism

Space Tourism At Your Fingertips
Have you ever dreamt of experiencing zero gravity or gazing at the Earth from its orbit? Apparently, space journeys are becoming reality, and although few can really afford them now, jumping on board of a spacecraft is to be available for average tourists, just like you and me, in not so distant future. So if you've already traveled the world far and wide, your next trip could only be one into the outer space. A space odyssey turned into reality in 2001, when a California multi-millionaire Dennis Tito paid $20 million to be taken by the Russian Soyuz spacecraft to spend seven days aboard the International Space Station (ISS). MirCorp and Space Adventures, commercial space companies, helped Tito organize a ride up to the Earth's orbi
Branson to take kids on first space tourist trip
British billionaire Richard Branson in the window of a replica of the spaceship he plans to launch for his new Virgin Galactic space tourism programme, at the Farnborough Air Show in Britain on Wednesday. Branson said Wednesday that he andBritish tycoon Richard Branson said Wednesday his children would join him on the first of his Virgin Galactic space flights, Cultural Activities in Miami as he unveiled a new satellite launching service.Outlining his plans at the Farnborough Air Show in southwest England, the billionaire entrepreneur said he and his adult son Sam and daughter Holly hoped to make the journey on the SpaceShipTwo, or SS2, aircraft by the end of 2013.The WhiteKnightTwo aircraft that will help launch SS2 into space will also be used for a new launch vehicle, LauncherOne, which will take small satellites into space for around one tenth of the present cost, Branson said.

What's the Latest Development
Unthinkable just a decade ago, the BBC has assembled a compendium of travel options for the space tourist of the near future. Perhaps the most well-known venture is Virgin Galactic, scheduled to launch in 2013. After a few days training, amateur astronauts will be carried to over 60 miles above the Earth's surface and experience five to six minutes of weightlessness

What's the Big Idea
To date, only seven tourists have flown in space, but that number is set to climb drastically over the next decade. For now, the space tourism industry will seek to sell tickets to the incredibly wealthy. But as technology matures, prices will drop. Perhaps the most ambitious space tourism company is Excalibur Almaz, which aims to launch the first private space station and carry tourists further into space than professional astronauts have gone.

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